Sunday, July 5, 2009

We've been busy!

Sorry for the lack of posts, but we've been busy crossing back and forth across the Bay. We started our adventures in the Southern Maryland area - Solomon's Island to be exact. We have visited Point Lookout State Park, Crisfield, Tangier Island, Jefferson Paterson Park and Wye Island. We had some pretty lively storms while in Crisfield so ended up in the bathroom taking shelter for most of the night - not the most comfy place, but we were safe and dry. Too bad the same couldn't be said for our tents. Fortunately our trusty land support Scott and Liz made a stop a the laundry mat for us and dried out our sleeping bags! Sadly we did have storms the following night at Jefferson Paterson but they were not quite as active and we had a lovely educational facility to seek shelter in for a bit.

We spent the 4th of July on Wye Island. On Friday night we were able to glimpse fireworks from the town of St. Michael's. We got up Saturday morning and did our part for the environment. We planted 14 flats of wetland grasses. It isn't the most glamorous work, but we did it quickly and are hoping our efforts do their part to restore valuable shoreline at Wye Island. We then went on a canoe/kayak adventure to the next creek over. Had lunch, then hiked to a giant old Holly tree that is over 290 years old!!!! We then canoed and kayaked back to our campsite.

We all have lots of bug bites, are pretty tired, but are having a great time!

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