Today is day 2 of trip 3 for the Mildred Belle and things are going great. Yesterday there was an introduction to the boat and the students began to learn what life would be like for the next 9 days. The group was divided into two watches. The Starboard Watch is Mike D., Mike W., Michelle, Kat, and Dathan. Port Watch is Niki, Maggie, Delen, Kevin, Katrina, and Jon. During the next week, they will be doing many things in these groups, including getting the boat from one place to the next.
Last night we camped at Rock Hall and tonight we will be camping at Kent Island. This morning, we went trotlining with Captain Clay. We caught a bushel of crabs, which we will be eating tonight for dinner. Everybody did very well, so we didn't get to enjoy many songs from people missing crabs. We also went trawling today and we caught jellyfish, white perch, and a couple hogchokers. The students are now writing a song (and hopefully a dance) about these organisms that they will have to perform at camp tonight. After they are done with the song, they get to go swimming in the bay before we head off to Kent Island for the night.
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