Sorry this hasn't been updated in awhile. We arrived in Crisfield on Saturday and were supposed to leave yesterday; however, weather forced us to stay at Crisfield until today. (By the way, pardon any typos from the past few entries...the waves have been large, which can make it hard to type sometimes.)
On Sunday, we took a ferry from Crisfield to Tangier Island. It is a very small island, but everybody enjoyed going into the few gift shops, spending time on the beach, and eating a lot of food.
Yesterday we were supposed to travel to Solomon's, but instead we drove to Assateague island. There, we hiked along a few different trails and saw wild ponies all over the island. We also got to walk along the beach of the ocean, where we saw a ghost crab and some tiny hermit crabs. Last night, we went to a real restaurant and ate pizza. It tasted great!
Now we are almost to Solomon's. Once we get there, we will be taking a van back to Baltimore. We will be staying at the Living Classrooms Foundation campus tonight before heading back to the College of Notre Dame tomorrow morning.
It's been a fun trip, and I will close with a quote from the students. Maybe they can explain it to you next time you talk :)
"It's too bad we could never make it to the waterfowl artwork museum and the antique stores. We were really disappointed but we were sure glad they were closed."
Lots of Food & Pizza, shopping and walking on the beach!!! Sounds (+ your picture jumping at the beach) looks like you really had a good time Katrina!!
Mom+Dad (sis+bro too!)
Hooray for you all, great to see those smiling faces. Can't wait to hear about your experiences.
You guys are having way too much fun learning. Wish we had that when we were younger. Make the most of it.
Love, Arjun's Uncle, Aunt, and Cousins in WI
Hello Miguel! Looks like you are having fun! I wish I could have went. Mike and zaniya said hi!
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