Sunday, July 1, 2007

Day 7

It's already Day 7...time has flown by! On Friday night, we got showers!!! And then we got another shower because it rained. A lot. And some of us were so lucky that we got to sleep in pools of water in our tents. We are still waiting for our shoes (and some sleeping bags) to dry out.

On Saturday, we traveled to Jefferson Patterson park. On the way there, we went trawling again. This time we caught 2 crabs and TONS of jellyfish. We took most of last night to relax and play football and frisbee. Today, we are headed to Solomons Island. We will be going to an archaeological museum when we get there. We will also be digging for fossils (mainly shark teeth).

Right now, everybody is washing the boat. After 7 days of eating lunch on here, it was much needed. I'm glad I'm inside because everybody else got hit with water from the hose. Tomorrow on the boat, the students will have their final exam. Captain Joe and Ned will give them a starting location and an end location and the students will have to get us there. They will be in charge of navigation, steering, and look out. Don't worry, the crew will still be monitoring to make sure we don't get lost or stuck on the bottom.

A sting ray just swam past our bow and we've been surrounded by huge schools of fish all day. It's always exciting to see new things each day. Time to go dock the boat!

The picture is of the students trawling for fish.

1 comment:

Amleto said...

Hail Mildred Belle,

How were you able to identify the type of ray that swam past the boat? How large was it? Not all rays have a "sting" and most are harmless.

I read a story recently about a fisherman in Maine who gave up typical fishing and changed to trolling for jelly fish. He is able to make much more money because he is able to sell the jelly fish in the Oriental food market where it is eaten just like we eat fish.